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  • ASA-AMOffice©: How do I disable remote connections to AMOffice© Server?
    Answer: How to disable remote connections from AMOffice© as client to AMOffice© Server: 1) Open ASA-AMOffice© Server Management, select "Database" tab 2) Press "Search database" button 3) for SQL ...
  • ASA-WHSales©: Why can I only create 5 articles?
    Answer: The free testversion of ASA-WHSales© has some limitations compared to the licensed version. It's only possible to create 5 articles Reports like delivery notes are watermarked when ...
  • ASA-WHSales©: I can't edit a delivery note/invoice/purchase order
    Answer: After a delivery note/invoice/purchase order has been sent via e-mail or printed out, it becomes uneditable to protect against manipulation. You can make it editable again ...
  • ASA-WHSales©: I can't edit/delete an inventory
    Answer: After the inventory has been booked, it can no longer be edited or deleted, so be sure to check the accuracy of the inventory prior ...
  • Online Log Book: How do I create a customer?
    Answer: To create customers you first must be logged in as a client. You have to switch to the 'Customers' tab. Over the list of customers ...
  • Online Log Book: How do I create an aircraft?
    Answer: In order to create an aircraft, you must first be logged in as a client. As soon as you're logged in, you have to switch ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: Format for the digital signature
    Answer: If an electronic signature is used in ASA-AMOffice© to sign forms and reports, it should be available as a PNG or GIF file with a ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: Can you sort on multiple columns in a table?
    Answer: It is possible to sort by multiple columns in a table/grid. To do this, proceed as follows: Sort by the first column Then sort the 2nd column ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: Why can't the date be changed in the Operation Time Overview?
    Answer: The Operation Time Overview shows the current status of the components at the current time. It is therefore not desirable to change the date later. ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: Where are the print image settings for the calibration orders?
    Answer: The print image settings for the calibration orders are found in the ERP settings, which can be found in the dropdown menu in the top ...