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  • ASA-AMOffice©: Documents are missing....
    Answer: If you miss some documents like ADs or SBs, you can check in various ways, whether they're really missing, or if there are other reasons ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: How do I create an aircraft?
    Answer: ASA-AMOffice© provides 3 possible ways to create a new aircraft. All 3 will be explained briefly in the following. First, click on 'Aircraft' under the category ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: The Hotellier quick-release fasteners are missing in the AD/SB overview
    Answer: By default, the Hotellier quick-release fasteners aren't assigned to an aircraft. If you want to have the quick-release fasteners and the related documents to appear in ...
  • ASA-WHSales©: I can't delete an article
    Answer: Articles cannot be deleted if they are linked to something. If you want to delete a certain article, you must first delete it from the ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: The client can't reach the database after switching from MSSQL to PostgreSQL
    Answer: The database cannot be reached because 'localhost', '' or '.' is entered in the database connection string. However, the local IP address that can be ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: I can't find the device type for my aircraft
    Answer: If you can't find the device type for your aircraft, you might just have to adjust your search. Replace all spaces and dashes with ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: I can't login to AMOffice©
    Answer: If you can't login to ASA-AMOffice©, there could be different causes If the error says: "A connection to the ASA-AMOffice© service could not be established" Start the ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: Why are too many ADs displayed in an AD overview?
    Answer: If too many ADs are displayed in the AD overview, it could be for one of the following reasons: No year of construction/serial number was saved ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: How do I enable remote connections to AMOffice© Server?
    Answer: How to enable remote connections from AMOffice© as client to AMOffice© Server: 1) Open ASA-AMOffice© Server Management, select "Database" tab 2) Press "Search database" button 3) for SQL ...
  • ASA-AMOffice©: How to export an AMOffice list
    Answer: If you would like to continue working with an ASA-AMOffice© list (for example aircraft, users,...) outside of ASA-AMOffice©, you can do this by opening the ...